This collection of essays compares media diversity law (including cartel law) in Australia and Germany. While there are important differences in the legal background of the two countries, this book reveals that notwithstanding these differences, both countries have evolved broadly similar legislative regimes.
Georgios Gounalakis is Professor at the University of Marburg. He holds a chair and is head of an institute conducting research in the fields of media law, international private law, comparative law and private law at the Marburg Law School of the University of Marburg. He is also a member in the commission evaluating the permissibility of mergers in the media sector («Kommission zur Ermittlung der Konzentration im Medienbereich – KEK»). Greg Taylor is a Professor (Hon.) at the University of Marburg and an Associate Professor at RMIT University Melbourne.
Contents: Georgios Gounalakis/Simon Röß: Cross media ownership: A comparison of the legal framework of Australia and Germany – Sharon Rodrick: Regulating media diversity in Australia: Where to next? – Eric Windholz: Regulating for Broadcasting Diversity: Balancing Economic and Social Values in the Public Interest – Romy Nicole Fleischer: Antitrust Regulation, Innovation and Dynamic Competition in the Internet sector with particular focus on unilateral market behaviour of online platforms – Michael Kling: Media diversity and competition law: Merger control in the print media sector – John Duns: Media diversity and the role of competition law – Greg Taylor: Diversity within government broadcasters – Justin Malbon: Geo-Pricing of Digital Media: European and Australian Policy Debates Compared.