In numerous fields of science, work, and everyday life, humans and machines have been increasingly entangled, developing an ever-growing toolbox of interactions. These entanglements affect our daily lives and pose possibilities as well as restrictions, chances as well as challenges. The contributions of this volume tackle related issues by adopting a highly interdisciplinary perspective. How do digitalization and artificial intelligence affect gender relations? How can intersectionality be newly understood in an increasingly internationally networked world? This volume is a collection of contributions deriving from the Interdisciplinary Conference on the Relations of Humans, Machines and Gender which took place in Braunschweig (October 16-19, 2019). It also includes the keynotes given by Cecile Crutzen, Galit Wellner and Helen Verran.
Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH
Magdalena Lautenschlager
Stauffenbergstr. 7
DE 51379 Leverkusen
Jan Büssers is a research assistant at the Department of the History of Science and Pharmacy at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany Anja Faulhaber is a research assistant at the Human-Machine-Systems Engineering Group at the University of Kassel, Germany Myriam Raboldt is a research assistant at the Center for Interdisciplinary Womens and Gender Studies at the TU Berlin, Germany Rebecca Wiesner is a research assistant at the Institute of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
1. Preface (editors)
2. Greetings (Juliette Wedl)
3. Table of contents
4. Introduction (Bettina Wahrig and Corinna Bath)
5. Contributions of the Keynotes
5.1. Cecile Crutzen: „The Win-Win Competition/Cooperation of Humans and Non-humans“
5.2. Mitali Thakor: “Objects, Inhumans, and Robotics: Queer STS Futures”
5.3. Helen Verran: “World Philosophies Meeting in Machines in Northern Australia“
5.4. Galit Wellner: „I-algorithm-dataset: Mapping the solutions to gender bias in AI“
6. Contributions of KoMMa.G PhD students:
6.1. Ingo Bednarek: “Approaching a Feminist Actor-Network Theory“
6.2. Jan Büssers: „Diffracting Braunschweig: Outlines of a (Neo)Materialist Concept of Meeting and Spatiotemporality“
6.3. Nadine Dannenberg: „‘A kingdom of bullshit.’ A few thoughts on working on Surveillance in 21st century academia”
6.4. Anja Faulhaber: “Flying into the Future: Potentials and Challenges of Commercial Single-Pilot Operations”
6.5. Alexander Gabel: „Usable Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things - a Pattern-based Approach”
6.6. Tanja Heuer & Jennifer Sonneck: „InSights – A critical review of an Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program“
6.7. Katharina Losch: „Gender-Innovation im Wissenschaftsfeld der Informatik? Die Rolle internationaler (Post-)Doktorandinnen“
6.8. Max Metzger: „Optimierung von Radprofilen unter alten und neuen Fahrwerkstechniken und New Materialism“
6.9. Thomas Nyckel: „Künstliche Intelligenz(en). Die Imitation des Menschlichen in digitalen Medien“
6.10. Myriam Raboldt: „‘ are a ‘nobody’ after this kind of surgery‘. On the fragility of the cis-male gendered body“
6.11. Jenny Stein: „Genderaspekte in der Ergonomie der Mensch-Computer- Interaktion“
6.12. Anja Trittelvitz: „Biohacking and Orthorexia as methods of self-optimization and Technologies of the Self, examined through the perspective of Gender Studies and Science and Technology Studies“
6.13. Rebecca Wiesner: „Entwicklung der Automatisierung in der Pharmazeutischen Analytik unter Berücksichtigung von Gender-Aspekten“
7. Contributions of conference participants
7.1. Loren Britton, Claude Draude & Goda Klumbyte: “From “Case Studies“ to “Concern Studies“: Lessons from Bringing Together Arts Practice, New Materialism and Computing (Künstlerischer Beitrag)”
7.2. Yasemin Dayioglu-Yücel: “Theoretical Cross-Fertilization: Barad’s Intra-Action and Cross-Cultural Studies”
7.3. Hannes Leuschner und Imme Petersen: „Classes and Courses between Script and Presence. On Questions of how to Algorithmise Learning”
7.4. Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer: „Mediated Human-Machine Interactions: the Case of Solar Microgeneration”
7.5. Teresita Pumara: „ZERO“
7.6. Evgeny Zakablukovskiy: „The Metaphysical Machine as a New Method of Education in Philosophy“