The Chambers play a central role in ensuring the quality of in-company training. According to the BBiG, their tasks include organising examinations, advising companies and trainees, and monitoring the implementation of in-company training. In addition to these legally defined tasks, the Chambers have expanded their quality assurance services for training companies in recent years in order to support them even better in providing good training. This has resulted in a wide variety of innovative approaches throughout Germany that address the promotion, safeguarding and awarding of in-company training quality. A multi-stage, multi-method approach was used to focus on these quality initiatives. This overview study thus offers the first systematic stocktaking of this commitment of intermediate institutions using the example of the Chambers of Skilled Crafts and the Chambers of Industry and Commerce. The study was prepared by DEQA-VET as part of the project Quality initiatives of intermediary institutions and voluntary certification offers for small and medium-sized training companies in the dual system (duration 2019 to 2021), which was funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme.
Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH
Magdalena Lautenschlager
Stauffenbergstraße 7
DE 51379 Leverkusen-Opladen
Helena Sabbagh is a staff member in Division 4.2 Innovations in Continuing Training, Permeability, Pilot Projects at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). Moritz Ansmann is a staff member in Division 4.2 Innovations in Continuing Training, Permeability, Pilot Projects at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB).
List of figures and tables
Index of abbreviations
1 Introduction
2 Basic conceptual principles and research goals
2.1 Quality of company-based training – the challenges of definition
2.2 Quality assurance and quality development of company-based training
in the dual system
2.3 Quality assurance of company-based training in a European context
2.4 Quality assurance action areas at the company level
2.5 Research goals and questions
3 Methodological approach
3.1 Delineation of the object of investigation
3.2 Collection of data
3.2.1 Online research
3.2.2 Telephone survey
3.2.3 Online questionnaire
3.3 Data evaluation
3.3.1 Quantitative data evaluation
3.3.2 Qualitative data evaluation
4 Results
4.1 Dissemination of the quality initiatives
4.2 Origin of the quality initiatives
4.3 Topics of the quality initiatives
4.4 Aims of the quality initiatives
4.5 Different formats and types of quality initiatives
4.5.1 Award initiatives
4.5.2 Training initiatives
4.5.3 Guidance initiatives
4.5.4 Networking initiatives
4.5.5 Tools
4.5.6 Summary: Formats and types of quality initiatives
4.6 Scope of application of and demand for quality initiatives
4 WDP 245 Table of contents
4.7 Special evaluation of award initiatives
4.7.1 Dissemination of the award initiatives
4.7.2 Origin of the award initiatives
4.7.3 Goals of the award initiatives
4.7.4 Types of award initiatives
4.7.5 Stakeholders and organisational structures of the award initiatives
4.7.6 Inherent quality understandings of open and closed award initiatives
4.7.7 Evaluation processes and methods of award initiatives
4.7.8 Quality criteria of the award initiatives
4.7.9 Issuing of awards
4.7.10 Summary of the special evaluation of award initiatives
5 Conclusion
Annex 1: Online questionnaire
Annex 2: List of quality initiatives